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来源:fjedu.com整理 2008-11-10

ppreciated by many readers.

  51 . According to this passage, some people __________.
  [ A ] give less consideration to books than food
  [ B] can hardly afford time to read books
  [ C ] know nothing about the value of education
  [ D ] should have spent more money on daily needs

  52. In this passage, the writer implies that _________.
  [ A ] Urban Council Libraries need more funds for books
  [ B ] properly selected books have a good educational value
  [ C ] text books are usually more expensive than other books
  [D] to be a good learner, one must read widely

  53. The need for a wider circulation of books comes from _________.
  [A] the educational system               [ B ] the increasing number of the readers
  [ C ] the high price of books               [ D ] the new public library policy

  54. According to the author, the difficulty in setting up a library lies in the fact that _________.
  [ A ] there is a shortage of space and facilities
  [ B ] serious books are not always available in book stores
  [ C ] most readers take their interests only in novels
  [D] it is not easy to select suitable books

  55. The word "uncumbered" ( Line 3 , Para. 3 ) here most probably means _________.
  [ A ] difficult                            [ B ] incomplete
  [ C ] efficient                            [ D ] complicated

  Text 3

  South Dakota ranks completely the last in average teacher salary and 42nd in the spending per pupil. But its 1989 American College Test scores are among the highest in the nation.

  In knowledge and skills South Dakota has a normal teacher combination-good, bad and the
  not very good. Nor does the state place enormous emphasis on academic achievements. Many chools
  fail to require enough homework and a proposal to require a foreign language for college entrance caused a storm of public anger. But South Dakota' s students have three things going for them: strong families, small schools and old-fashioned values.

  South Dakota ' s marriage and birth rates are among the highest in the nation, and its divorce (离婚) rates are among the lowest. South Dakota' s kids are subject to the same troubles that tempt young people elsewhere-drugs, drinking and sex. But because fewer are in pain of emotion from home situations, fewer seek these troublesome escapes.

  South Dakota is also fortunate that most of its schools are small. Schools like these are often the focus of community life; there are a lot of school plays, concerts and football games in school. And as much as a fourth of a local newspaper may be school news. It must be difficult for students and teachers not to feel that all eyes are upon them.

  And South Dakota enjoy the old values, everyone shares the same pattern of behaviour. A
  school's authority is seldom weakened by a parent, or vice versa (反之亦然).

  56. Which of the following is mentioned about South Dakota in this passage?
  [A]A special combination is required by the state in selecting teachers.
  [B] Forty-two students won an award in a national test in 1989.
  [C] Teachers are not as well paid as those in other states.
  [D] Academic achievements are highly regarded by the state and the public.

  57. According to the writer, in South Dakota _________.
  [ A ] students don ' t have to spend much spare time on their study
  [ B ] teachers are requested to assign enough homework to the students
  [ C ] there are no special requirements for entrance to college
  [ D ] parents set a high demand of their children ' s education in middle schools

  58. It can be known from the passage that _________.
  [ A ] some parents think that a foreign language is useless in the states
  [ B ] the students are strongly against learning a foreign language as a course requirement
  [ C ] the lack of foreign language teaching has led to a storm of public anger
  [ D ] students needn ' t know a foreign language to enter a college

  59. In this passage, the writer implied that people in South Dakota _________.
  [A] like their children studying in & larger college
  [ B ] enjoy great comfort of emotion in the family
  [ C ] are trying to find out a solution to some social problems
  [ D ] rank the lowest in birth rates in the nation

  60. In this passage the writer states that people in South Dakota ________

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