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 3773考试网 - 英语等级考试 - 试题答案 - 正文


来源:fjedu.com整理 2008-11-10

sp;       [ C ] He should add more protein products to his diet.
         [D] He should avoid eating sweet things.

     You now have 30 seconds to check your answers to questions 23 -25.
     Now you have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet to the ANSWER SHEET I.
     That is the end of the listening comprehension section.

     Section Ⅱ Use of English (15 minutes)


     Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B,C, or Don your ANSWER SHEET 1.


     Geography is the study of the relationship between people and the land. Geographers (地理学家) compare and contrast   26   places on the earth. But they also   27   beyond the individual places and consider the earth as a   28  . The word geography   29   from two Greek words: ge,the Greek word for "earth" and graphein,   30 . means "to write". The English word geography means "to describe the earth".   31   geography books focus on a small area   32   a town or city. Others deal with a state, a region, a nation, or an   33   continent. Many geography books deal with the whole earth. Another   34   to divide the study of   35   is to distinguish betweenphysical geography and cultural geography. The former focuses on the natural world; the   36    starts with human beings and   37   how human beings and their environment act   38   each other. But when geography is considered as a single subject,   39   branch can neglect the other.

     A geographer might be described   40   one who observes, records, and explains the   41    between places. If all places   42   alike, there would be little need for geographers.

     We know, however,   43   no two places are exactly the same. Geography,   44   , is a
point of view, a special way of  45   at places.

26. [A] similar         [B] various         [C] distant         [D] famous
27. [A] pass           [B] go             [C] reach          [D] set
28. [A] whole          [B] unit            [C] part            [D] total
29. [A] falls           [B] removes        [C] results         [D] comes
30. [A] what           [B] that            [C] which         [D] it
31. [A] Some         [B]Many         [C]Most         [D]Few
32. [A] outside         [B] except          [C]as             [D]like
33. [A] extensive        [B] entire           [C] overall          [D] enormous
34. [A] way           [B] means          [C] habit          [D] technique
35. [A] world          [B] earth           [C] geography      [D] globe
36. [A] second         [ B] later            [C] next            [D] latter
37. [A] learns         [ B ] studies         

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