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来源:fjzsksw.com 2010-1-14 15:10:56


    Taxes(税)are a big part in the United States. Most Americans pay city taxes, state taxes, social security(安全)taxes, sales taxes ???,and the list seems endless.

  The biggest tax for most Americans is that on the money they earn --- the income tax. The personal income tax is called a "progressive tax" because it takes more from those who earn more. For example, a person who earns about 3,500 dollars a tear will pay a tax of only about 3.5 % of earning, but of the same person earned 85, 000 dollars a year, he would pay an income tax of 35%.

  Over the years the income tax has become more and mote difficult for people to understand. Almost one half of all Americans now have to pay experts to prepare their tax reports in fact, preparing taxes and giving tax advice have become a big industry in America.

47. Most Americans pay ________.

A.taxes which are too many to list.
B.taxes either to the cities or the states they live in.
C.so many kinds of taxes that they even don't know the names.
D.several kinds of taxes.

48. Social security tax is collected from _______.

A.those who have broken the law.
B.those who often make trouble,
C.those whose lives and property are in danger.
D.Every citizen living in the area in question(所在).

49. What is a " progressive tax"? A "progressive tax" is the tax _______.

A.collected for social progress.
B.that increases with each passing year.
C.that is collected from those who earn most.
D.that varies(变化)according to how much money a person earns.

50. Why do almost one half of all Americans have to pay experts?

A.Because the list of taxes seems endless.
B. Because they would rather spend their time and energy elsewhere.
C. Because they find their knowledge about taxes is so limited that they are unable to write tax report all by themselves.
D. Because paying experts to prepare their tax report and asking for tax advice have become
very popular.

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