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 3773考试网 - 英语等级考试 - 模拟试题 - 正文


来源:fjzsksw.com 2010-1-14 15:19:44

Part A
Dear Sir,
     I am a university student majoring in English. We are going to have a course about American history next term. My professor recommended a book called Essential to the American Culture to us. It is said that the book was published last month and sold well. So I want to ask some information about it. Could you tell me the price of the book plus the postage and packing? Is there a discount if I order 30 books for my class?
     Please reply soon. Thank you!

                                                         Yours Sincerely
Part B

     Despite of people’s criticism, advertisement is essential to the development of many industries in China.
     In talking of advertising, we may think of commercials on TV, or advertisement on magazines or newspaper. Nowadays advertisement is everywhere and become part of our lives. With advertisement, the customers know the information about the latest products of the manufacturers. TV stations can make money by selling time to play the advertisements. Advertisement also provides manufactures a good channel to sell their products.
     The manufacturers should realize that if their products are of poor quality, they can’t sell well. The TV stations should remember that too many advertisements will spoil the viewers’ enjoyment of their favorite programs.

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