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来源:2exam.com 2014-12-18 9:46:04

Flowering Plants

  What are the parts of a flower?

  Flowers can have male parts and female parts. The female parts make eggs that become seeds. The male parts make pollen. Pollen is a powdery material that is needed by the eggs to make seeds. To make seeds, pollen and eggs must come together. The wind, insects, and birds bring pollen to eggs. Many animals love flowers’ bright colors. They also like a sugary liquid in flowers. This is called nectar. While they drink nectar, pollen rubs off on their bodies. As they move, some of this pollen gets delivered to the female flower parts.

  Over time, the female parts turn into fruits that contain seeds. Animals often eat the fruits and the seeds pass through their bodies as waste. The animals do no know they are working for the plants by planting seeds as they travel to different places!

  Useful words and Expressions:

  1. flowering 开花的

  2. pollen 花粉

  3. powdery 粉状的

  4. sugar 含糖的,甜的

  5. nectar花蜜,甘露

  6. rub 磨擦

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