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 3773考试网 - 英语等级考试 - 综合辅导 - PETS2英语二级 - 正文


来源:2exam.com 2014-10-22 18:15:58

 Dear Johnson,

  Thank you for your e-mail. ----I am happy to answer your questions in Handbook 2006

  1. The 4 week course (Overseas Teachers)= 5 days per week X 4 weeks =20 days of teaching. Accommodation(住宿)is from the day before the course begins to the day after the course ends. The January 2006 course starts on Monday, 6 January and ends on Friday, 31 January. I think you are looking at the year 2006 in your plan.

  2. I am sorry but we do not book flights or include the flight in the cost of the course.

  3. The fees for a 4 weeks Teacher Course= $720

  The fees for a 2 weeks Teacher Course=$ 360

  Accommodation=$ 80 per week

  Registration(登记) fee = $ 15

  4. You can apply for either course now, or when you wish to. You can pay 295 dollars and we will send you the invitation you need for your visas(签证). Yes, you can apply for the 2006 course now.

  I hope that the above answers help you to arrange a training programme. If you need more help or information, do please contact me and I will be happy to assist.

  With best regards,

  Black Wisoney

  1. According to the passage, if you study the 2-week January course, when can you study in the school?

  [A] from January 6 to January17 [B].from January6 to January18

  [C].from January 6 to January 19 [D] from January 6 to January 20

  2. If you take a 4-week course, how much will you pay all together?

  [A] $ 940 [B] $815 [C] $1350 [D] $455

  名师精解:这是一篇回答参加培训课程咨询的信函。文章中回答了许多有关培训课程事宜。第一道题目问:假如你选择这个学校两个星期的课程。那么根据文章,你能在从什么时候到什么时候在这个学校就读?文章中第一点回答了四个星期课程的计算。按照同样道理,考生可以计算出两个星期课程的日期。不过很多考生没有注意文章中的提示:“The 4 week course (Overseas Teachers)= 5 days per week X 4 weeks =20 days of teaching.”一周只学习5天。那么两周学习2×5=10天,在学校共12天,去掉最后两天的休假。因此,两周课程从2006年1月6号,星期一开始(The January 2006 course starts on Monday, 6 January)结束就是January17。你能在January 6到January17在这个学校就读,答案为[A]。第二道题目问:参加四个星期的培训要花费多少美元?文章中的第三、四点集中回答了这个问题。不过,考生要根据考题的变化计算所需的费用:四个星期课程的费用(pay for a 4-week course)= 四个星期教学费用(The fees for a 4 weeks Teacher Course$720)+ 四个星期住宿费用(per week Accommodation$ 80×4)+登记费用(Registration fee$ 15)+签证费用(pay 295 dollars for your visas)。因此,答案计算最后为[C] $1350。

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