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2015年公共英语四级考试写作高分句型that 引导

来源:2exam.com 2014-12-11 17:08:33

 由that 引导的句子

  (1)It is obvious that wearing the uniforms will make school life dull and monotonous.

  (2)It is well known that there is a clear link between smoking and some serious diseases.

  (3) It is said mothers know what is most suitable for their children

  (4)It is true that computers can be of great help to human beings but they can never replace human brains or surpass human intelligence.

  (5) It will do much good to students with a teacher being in the classroom.

  (6) It is against the law to force students to study in an environment without the presence of the opposite sex.

  (7)It seems to me that no one should be forced to change his lifestyle unless he has committed a crime.

  (8) It is impossible for the universities to enroll the same number of female and male students in every subject.

  (9) It is natural that great differences exist between the boys and girls.

  (10) It is competition that encourages people to work harder to catch up with others, to be superior to the others


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