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 3773考试网 - 英语等级考试 - 试题答案 - 正文


来源:fjedu.com整理 2008-11-10

onds to read the questions II -13.
  11. According to the conversation, what is one problem with arm exercises?
  [ A] They don' t get rid of flabby arm.
  [B] They can damage arm muscles.
  [ C] They aren' t acceptable to most people.
  [ D] They can raise one' s blood pressure.
  12. According to the conversation, what are the experts now recommending?
  [A] Exercising the entire body.
  [B] Having your blood pressure taken daily.
  [ C ] Losing weight prior to exercising.
  [D] Weighing in before each exercise session.
  13. Which of the following exercises is suggested?
  [A] Wearing arm weights while you are swimming.
  [ B] Jogging vigorously in one place for a long time.
  [ C ] Using bicycles that require you to use both your arms and legs.
  [D] Walking slowly while swinging your arms back and forth.
  You now have 30 seconds to check your answers to questions 11 -13.
  Questions 14 - 19 are based on the following conversation. You now have 30 seconds to read the questions 14 -19.
  14. Why does the woman want David to sign up for the course?
  [ A] He needs to take one more course in order to finish his credit requirements.
  [B] He plays an instrument the group needs.
  [ C ] She thinks taking the course would improve his grades in general.
  [D] She thinks he's the best musician at the college.
  15. Why is David not sure that he wants to sign up?
  [A] He doesn' t have an instrument of his own.
  [ B] He doesn ' t like to play in small groups.
  [C] He doesn't think he can play well enough.
  [ D] He isn' t sure whether he has enough free time.
  16. How often will the group meet?
  [A] Once a week.                         [B] Twice a week.
  [C] Every other day.                      [D] Every evening.
  17. What instrument does the director of the group play in the city of orchestra?
  [A] Cello.                                  [B] Viola.
  [C] Violin.                                  [D] Bass.
  18. What is the level of the musical proficiency of the most group members?
  [A] Beginning.                             [B] Intermediate.
  [C] Advanced.                             [D] Professional.
  19. What will David do this evening?
  [A] Try to find his music books.
  [B] Look for a new instrument.
  [ C ] Start taking lessons from a professional.
  [D] Practice his instrument.
  You now have 60 seconds to check your answers to questions 14 - 19.
  Questions 20 - 25 are based on the following conversation. You now have 30 seconds to read the questions 20 -25.
  20. To what student body office does the man want to be elected?
  [ A ] Senator.                                [ B ] Treasurer.
  [C] Secretary.                              [D] President.

  21. Who is the woman?
  [A] A camp counselor.                     [B] A candidate.
  [ C ] A radio announcer.                    [D] A campaign manager.
  22. Where will they put the posters?
  [A] In the hallways.                        [B] In the man's room.
  [C] In the cafeteria.                        [D] In the radio station.
  23. When is the radio broadcast scheduled?
  [A] In the morning.                       [B] During lunch.

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