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 3773考试网 - 英语四六级 - 模拟试题 - 正文


来源:2exam.com 2015-12-18 16:07:41


  Version one

  Write an essay words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

  1) describe the drawing briefly,

  2) explain its intended meaning, and then

  3) state your point of view.

  You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.



  Recent years have witnessedan ever-increasing exchange of cultures between countries. As is shown in the picture, sixadolescentsfrom different countries with different ethnicities got together and took part in the activity called “American CultureAmbassador”. Obviously, culture exchangesare gaining worldwide popularity.

  There are several reasons accounting for this phenomenon of th picture.For one thing, cultural exchanges can enhanceinternational friendship, and people canacquirebetter understanding of each other. Through cultural exchanges, they can learnof different peoplesaround the world, what they believe in, how they lead their daily life, and their traditions and customs. For another, cultural exchangescan also greatly benefitthe countries involved. That is because countries can share their achievements witheach other tostimulatingtheir own social progress and culturalprosperity.

  To sum up, worldwide cultural exchange is beneficial to all countries involved. As for China, the open-door policy has greatly promoted the Chinesecivilizationto theentireworld andvice versa.Therefore, I can firmly conclude thatin the long run, cultural exchanges will contribute to aflourishingChinese and global economy,as well asdiversifiedcultures.






  adolescent: n.青少年

  ambassador: n.大使

  acquire: v.获得,得到

  stimulate: v.刺激,激励

  prosperity: n.繁荣

  civilization: n.文明

  entire: adj.全部的,完整的

  vice versa:反之亦然

  flourishing: adj.繁荣的,欣欣向荣的

  diversified: adj.多样化的


  Recent years have witnessed…

  As far as I am concerned, there are several reasons accounting for this phenomenon of the picture.

  To sum up…

  Therefore, I can firmly conclude that…

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