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来源:2exam.com 2012-11-22 19:55:30



43. Your plan is excellent in ____, but would it succeed in practice?

A. imagination    B. theory         C. science         D. contrast


44. Bill Gates _____ most of the profits from his business to various charities after his success.

A. discharged      B. designated       C. distributed       D. donated


45. She makes $2000 a month as a teacher, and she has still another ____ of income

A. origin          B. source           C. resources        D. method


46. He caught a severe disease and it _____ him memory.

A. effected         B. impressed        C. affected         D. hurt


47. It is said that he was appointed as the _____ chairman of the association, but I think it is incredible.

A. honorable     B. honor           C. honorary        D. honored


48. I’m very _____ after hard working for a day.

A. exhaustive     B. exhausted       C. exhausting      D. exhaust


49. We tried to discourage him______ the mountain without a guide.

A. to climb       B. not to climb   C. from climbing   D. from not climbing


50. Mike will _____ the position after the general manager retires.

A. take in        B. take away      C. take up         D. take over


51. They went on working _____ the heavy rain.

A. although        B. in spite of        C. even if          D. instead of


52. You should fill the application form ____ before you send it back to the company.

A. regularly        B. properly         C. finally           D. previously


53. The retired workers in China are ____ free medical care.

A. entitled to       B. involved in      C. associated to    D. assigned to


54. Jack has a lot of money _____ for a trip to Japan.

A. put down        B. put aside       C. put up          D. put forward


55. The workers ______ though it was very hot.

A. carried out       B. carried off      C. carried through   D. carried on


56. We should never _____ our hope for a comfortable life in the future.

A. give up         B. give away        C. give off          D. give in


57. The teacher, together with several students, ____ working in the fields at this time last week.

A. was            B. were           C. is              D. are


58. Whether we’ll go to London for a holiday or not ______ the weather.

A. depends on      B. depend on      C. depended on    D. is depending on


59. ______ the top of Mt. Dashu, Hefei looks beautiful in the night. 

A. Seen from       B. seeing from      C. Noticed by    D. Looking from


60. I don’t believe that her son has the ability to go to university to study, ______ ?

A. does he         B. do you         C. doesn’t she     D. doesn’t he


61. You never told me why you didn’t come to my birthday party, _______?

A. don’t you       B. did you         C. didn’t you     D. had you


62. We insisted at the meeting that Mr. Pop ____ the chairman of the committee.

A. would be            B. to be           C. be           D. was


63 The laid-off worker doesn’t know where to find a job, _______.

A. nor does he want to                     B. doesn’t he want to also

C. he doesn’t want to neither                D. neither he doesn’t


64. My sister went to a party last night, and ______ didn’t prepare for the lecture.

A. so that         B. afterwards        C. therefore      D. instead


65. It was so noisy in the class that the professor couldn’t make himself ______.

A. heard          B. hearing          C. to hear       D. being heard


66. He would still hold on to his opinion, ____ all the world were against him.

A. but           B. although         C. however     D. and


67.The student was so excited _____ he couldn’t even speak a word.

A. when         B. when            C. because        D. that


68. Bob was caught in a car accident yesterday. He ____ so fast.

A. shouldn’t have driven                    B. shouldn’t drive

C. would have driven                       D. should have driven


69. Jack is said ____ abroad now, but I don’t know which country he is studying in.

A. having studied                      B. to be studying

C. having been studied                  D. to study


70. It is many years since women _____ to vote in the US.

A. was allowing    B. allowed      C. were allowed   D. had been allowed


71. We have been waiting for you for a long time. You ____ in advance you would be late.

A. should tell                             B. should have told

C. must have told                          D. may tell


72. He asked me whether smaller oranges are sweeter than bigger _____.

A. one           B. those            C. ones          D. /


73. This team ____ of only 10 experts, yet they’ve made lots of inventions in the past three years.

A. constitutes      B. consists      C. forms          D. threatens


74. It is necessary that everybody _______ be present at the meeting on time.

A.can          B.may          C. must        D.should


75. The classroom is empty, the students _____ to the play ground.

A. must have gone                     B. should have gone

C. ought to have gone                  D. need to have gone


Part Four  Cloze Test  ( 10 points )

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are 4 choices marked A. B. C and D. choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.


  The United states designed highways to help a driver get from one place to another in the shortest possible time.  76  these wide modern roads are generally smooth  and well maintained, with  77  sharp curves and many straight sections, a direct route is not always the most  78  one. These highways generally connect large urban centers which means that they become crowded with  79  traffic during rush hours,  80  the “fast, direct ” way becomes a very slow route. However, there is almost always another route to take if you are not in a hurry. Not far from the  81 new “superhighways” there are often older, 82  heavily traveled roads which go through the countryside. 83  of these are good lane roads; others are uneven roads curving through the country. These secondary routes may go up steep slope, along hilly  84  or down frightening hillsides to towns lying in deep valleys. Though these are less direct routes, longer and slower, they generally go to places 85  the air is clear and the scenery is beautiful, and the driver may have a chance to get fresh, clean view of the world.


76. A. Although        B. Since          C. Because         D. Therefore

77. A. little            B. few           C. much           D. many

78. A. terrible          B. possible       C. enjoyable        D. reasonable

79. A. heavy           B. large          C. light            D. fast

80. A. when           B. for            C. but             D. that

81. A. relatively        B. regularly       C. reasonably       D. respectively

82. A. and             B. less           C. more           D. or

83. A. All             B. Several        C. Lots             D. Some

84. A. rocks           B. roads          C. cliffs            D. paths

85. A. there            B. where         C. when           D. which



















Paper Two  试卷二

                          ( 30 minutes)


Part Five  Writing ( 15 points)

Directions: You are to write in 100-120 words about the title “Short Message” . You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:

1. 短信的优点;

2. 短信的缺点;

3. 我的看法---






模拟试卷2 参考答案

1-5 CBBCA 6-10BCABD 11-15 CBCDA

16-20ACBDD 21-25 DBCAB 26-30 ABDDB31-35 BDACB

36-40 BADAA    41-45 ACBDB  46-50 CCBCD  51-55 BBABD  56-60 ACAAA

61-65 BCACA  66-70 BD ABC  71-75 BCBDA



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