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 3773考试网 - 英语等级考试 - 试题答案 - 正文


来源:fjedu.com整理 2008-11-10

econds to read the questions 11 - 14.
  11 . Why did the man ' s children buy the pen?
  [A] It's a present for the man' s birthday.
  [B] It's a birthday present for the man' s wife.
  [C] It's a birthday present for the man' s son.
  [D] It's a birthday present for the man ' s daughter.
  12. What's the color of the pen?
  [A] Red.                           [B] Black.
  [C] Yellow.                         [D] Purple.
  13. How much is the pen?
  [A] $11.                      [B] $14.
  [C] $9.                       [D] $10.
  14. Why did the man want to exchange the pen?
  [A] Because of the color.              [B] Because it is too expensive.
  [C] Because it is too cheap.           [D] Because it doesn't work.
  You now have 40 seconds to check your answers to questions II -14.
  Questions 15 -17 are based on the following talk. You now have 15 seconds to read the questions 15-17.
  15. Who is the speaker?
  [A] A librarian.                       [B] A professor.
  [C]A researcher.                      [D]A student.
  16. For whom is the course intended?
  [A] All second-year students who failed first-year English.
  [B] All first-year, second-year, and third-year students.
  [ C ] Students who don ' t know how to write a research paper.
  [ D ] Students who want extra credit in English.
  17. What does the speaker ask the students who have already learned to write a research paper to do?
  [A] Take notes.                       [B] Help the other students.
  [C] Speak to her after class.            [D]  Enroll in another English class.
  You now have 30 seconds to check your answers to questions 15-17.
  Questions 18-21 are based on the following conversation. You now have 20 seconds to read the questions 18 -21.
  18. When does the conversation take place?
  [A] In the middle of the semester.      [ B] At the beginning of exams.
  [C] At the end of the school year.      [D] In the middle of summer vacation.
  19. Where do Bob and Ellen want to go?
  [A] To a rock and mineral show.       [B] To an opera at the concert hall.
  [ C] To a movie at the student center.   [D] To a popular music concert.
  20. Why is Ellen buying the tickets?
  [A] She gets a student discount.       [B] Bob doesn't have much money.
  [C] She lost a bet and owed Bob money. [D] Bob left his wallet at home.
  21. What is Bob going to pay for?
  [A] His ticket only.                   [B] Their vacation.
  [C] His supper only.                  [D] Their supper.
  You now have 40 seconds to check your answers to questions 18 -21.
  Questions 22 - 25 are based on the following conversation. You now have 20 seconds to read the questions 22 -25.
  22. What is the woman looking for?
  [A] The bookstore.                   [B] The telephone company.
  [C]A map of the town.               [D]A shoe repair shop.
  23. What can be said about the way the man teaches the woman?
  [ A ] He seems to be in a hurry to leave.
  [B] He seems to be curious about her.
  [ C] He seems to be happy to assist her.
  [ D] He seems to be unfamiliar with the town.
  24. Which source of information about the town does the man recommend to the woman?
  [A] A guidebook.                    [B] A police report.
  [C] The newspaper.               

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