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来源:2exam.com 2014-6-14 20:13:24







  Chinese hot words are usually been regarded as a reflection of the social change and a reflection of some certain culture phenomena, some of which are quite popular in the foreign media. Tuhao and dama, for example, are both old words, but in nowadays, they have gained the new meanings。

  Tuhao was used to refer to Local tyrants or village landlords who oppressed tenants and servants before, but now, the word is used to refer the people who spend money like water or the people who like to show off their wealth. It means that Tuhaos are rich, but they have no taste. Dama is the appellation for middle-aged woman, but now it is used to describe the Chinese women who rushed to purchase gold when the gold priced plunged sharply not long ago。

  Tuhao and dama are likely to be included into the new edition of Oxford Dictionary. Up to now, about 120 Chinese words have been included into Oxford Dictionary, and these words have woven themselves into the texture of the English language。


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