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来源:2exam.com 2012-11-22 19:58:48

安徽省2013年成人学士学位英语考试 预测作文及范文



Directions:You are to write a composition entitled On Developing Tourism.You should write in 100~120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:


参考作文:       On Developing Tourism

Tourism is developing rapidly and brings a lot of benefits. Firstly, tourists’ consumption of goods and services can bring more revenue which is financially beneficial to the local districts. Secondly, tourism can lead to more communication, econnomically and culturally, comestically and internationally. It is obvious that tourism contributes greatly to the prosperity of economy and culture.

However, like a coin, everythings has two sides. Inevitably, tourism brings about some problems. It becomes a burden to our inefficient transportation sustem, especially in holidays. Besides, tourism, to some extent, causes pollution and damage to the historic sites.

In my opinion, its adwanteges far outweigh its disadvantages. With more severe supervision and more efficient management,all these problems will be solved step by step.


※[预测作文2]:Shopping on the Internet


范文:            Shopping on the Internet

Nowadays,with the rapid development of computer technology , shopping on the Internet is becoming a fashion , especially among young people.

Shopping on the Inernet makes our life more convenient and comfortable. We don’t need to go outside and search what we nedd in the shops one by one. We can even buy the goods in foreign countries through Internet. Thus, our precious time and energy is saved. Besides, goods sold on the Internet are often cheaper than those in shops. This is because there is no middle merchant between the seller and the buyer.

But there are still some disadvantages. Some people are cheated since the seller and the buyer do not make a face-to-face deal. The quality of the goods can not be ensured. Furthermore, the goods may be damaged during the delivery.

In my opinion, shopping on the Internet is a trend: More and more people will be accustomed do it. It will be popular in the near future. And at the same time we should take some measures to make it prefect.


※[预测作文3]:    Should Private Cars Be Encouraged in China?


范文:   Should Private Cars Be Encouraged in China?

Should private cars be encouraged in China? This is a controversial question. There are many reasons to encourage people to own cars. First, a car allows a person to move around freely. Second, a car is a comfortable travelling vehicle,especially in the winter or in had weather. Third, a female drivers is usually safe in a car at night.

However, there are also many arguments against it. First, with the increase of private cars, the roads are becoming more and more crowded and it is tiring to drive in heavy traffic. Second, the posionous gas greatly pollutes the atmosphere and does harm to people’s health. Third, the number of traffic accidents is increasing remarkably in recent years.

In my opinion, we must weigh every foctor carefully bofore making decisions about buying private cars. Though the number of private cars keeps on increasing. Popularization of luxurious things like cars will have to wait. After all, I don’t think it is wise to encourage private cars in China.




People are paying more and more attention to students’ safety problems now. However, what are the safety problems people most concern about? The first, in my view, is the food safely, which is followed by the traffic safety. Other major issues include public and campus network security.

How to improve students’ well being in light of the safety problems mentioned above? As for me, first of all, students should acquire good living habits to avoid the food safety problem. In addition, students ought to put it in the first place that they must abide by the traffic rules strictly. Thirdly, students must learn to keep safe in public places while taking part in activities. Finally, when it comes to the campus network, routine supervision must be taken into consideration in order to improve its reliability.

As a college student, I am convinced that we must strengthen our sense of safety and learn to shelter ourselves from a wide range of problems.


※[预测作文5]:1、目前垃圾短信泛滥;2、产生这种现象的原因;3、如何解决这个问题;范文:               Spam   Message

With the increasing use of cell phones, spam message has become a heated problem. According to a survey, on average, people receive about 40 pieces of spam message per month. Spam message can disturb, confuse, or even threaten people at any time.

Generally, there are two tesons for the spam epidemic. On one hand, due to the face that text message is a comparatively cheap channel, many companies take advantage of it to advertise their products or servies. Whether people are willing to receive the message is neglected. On the other hand, those holding lots of imformation on cell phone users sell the information and make money our of it.

To solve the problem of spam message, people should make joint efforts. The government should set up laws to severely punish the illegal advertisers and those who disclose information. Cell phone researchers and developers should upgrade the products and enable them to delete the spam automatically. Should people ace together, they will be free from the spam message.


※[预测作文6]:1、目前低碳生活成为一种流行;2、低碳生活指的是……;3、作为大学生我应该怎么做;范文:            Low-Carbon Lifestyle

Ever since the World Climage Conference was held in Copenhagen, the term “low-carbon lifestyle” has becom a buzzword in our daily life. Everyone, old or young, is talking about it and exerting himself to achieve the low-carbon goal. Even the famous stars are exerting their great influence to the common goal of low-carbon lifestyle.

What on earth is low-carbon lifestyle? Low-carbon lifestyle means to lower the emission of carbon. Especially carbon dioxide, by reducing the energy we use in our daily life. For common people like us, this is an attitude rather than a capacity. Low-carbon lifestyle calls for the active participation of all the people in the process of saving eledtricity and gas, as well as recycling the useful materials.

As college students, we should contribute to the revolution of low-carbon lifestyle by all means. Firstly, we should avoid using disposable cutlery to reduxe the emission of carbon dioxide. Secondly, taking public transport means rather than driving is another effective way. Last but not least, both we and the earth will benefit a lot if we eat green food instead of junk food.


预测作文 7:1、有人认为养老是年轻人的责任,理由是……;2、有人认为杨老师政府和社会的责任,理由是……;3、我认为……

In the modern society, people are increasingly concerned about the problem that who is responsible for the care of the old. Opinions vary among people.

Some people point out that the young are supposed to assume the responsibility as this is one of the good traditions of our nation. Furthermore, they also argue it is helpful to both physical and mental health of the old if different generations live together. Others maintain that it would be unrealistic for the young to shoulder the burden to look fater their parents, because with the implementation of the birth control policy, the single-child family is the mainstay of our socerty and it is stressful for the young to take care of the old. Thus the government and the society should be responsible for the care of the old.

As far as I am concerned, supporting the old belongs to the obligation of both the government and the young. While the government bears the primary responsibility, the young people need to pay close attention to their parents’ demand for affection.



Nowadays, it has become a fashion that people raise the pet cats, dogs, birds, fish, etc. They argue that raising pets can enhance the affection between humans and animals, and increase their sense of happiness. They also believe that raising pets will improve the quality of life.

However, some people oppose raising pets. They think, on the one hand, pets will disturb the people’s life. For example, animal waste pollutes the environment, and the dog’s barking disrupts people’s rest. On the other hand, some of pets might spread certain diseases.

As for me, I disapprove of raising pets, because pets, like their wild counterparts, should also belong to nature. When they are restricted to a house, they are actually deprired of their natural rights. We should give them back their freedom.



The volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people in recent years, especially among young people.

Volunteering is of tremendous benefits to both those in need and society. Take the Wenchuan Earthquake as an example. Hundreds of thousands of volunteers play an active role in Wenchuan quake-hit ardas. And they contribute daily necessaries, offer medical help and psychological help to the disaster-relicf work.

Bsides, volunteering would be benefixial to the volunteers themselves. Getting involved in volunteering, volunteers will be exposed to a new environment, and they can learn how to work well in a team, how to improve their interpersonal skills and organizational stills, all of which are critical for their professional growh.

As a college student, I sincerely hope that everyone would join the volunteering work. It is not only good to our society, but also a chance for us to grow and to learn.


※[预测作文10]:Fast Food


Fast food is becoming more popular in China. First, it is very convenient and saves a lot of time. You just go into a fast food restaurant, order your food, and your food is ready in no time. Second, its popularity is also attributed to the clean and comfortable of fast food restaurants, the excellent service.

However, there probably exist some problems as for fast food. In terms of nutrition, fast food is far from satisfactory. It usually does not compose a balanced diet and is low in nutritional value. Moreover, the quality of fast food cannot be guaranteed, sometimes the food contains some elements which many cause the cancer.

Thus, in my view, we should eat fast food as little as possible. Although cooking at home is time-consuming work, it offers healthy and delicious meals your body likes and needs. Fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry once in a while.





※[预测作文11]: Can Traffic Accidents Be Aovided?


Can Traffic Accidents Be Aovided ?

In some cities, more traffic accidents occur each year. People are therefore much concerned about the traffic security problems.

Some people say that traffic addidents are unavoiable. They argue that nowadays traffic is much heavier than it used to be. Modern society lives on the basis of various kinds of vehicles. So it is impossible to eliminate traffic accidents.

But in fact, most traffic addidents can be avoided. According to the restults of a nationwide investigation, careless driving is the main cause of road accidents. If we reinforce the traffic security education and the implementation of traffic laws and rules, I believe one day traffic accidents will not trouble people any more.

参考译文:              交通事故能避免吗?







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