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计算机| 等级考试 软件水平 应用能力 其它类| 书画等级 美国高考 驾 驶 员 书法等级 少儿英语 报 检 员 单 证 员 出国留学
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来源:钦州学院 2007-1-16 10:52:00 【字体:小 大】




An Introduction to the University

      Qinzhou University, situated in the home of dilphins---Qinzhou, a developing coastal industrial city, was founded in 1973. It has east and west campuses and covers 31 hectares of total area.

It consists of 11 departments (Chinese Language and Literature; Politics and Law; Foreign languages; Mathematics and Information Science; Physics and Electronic Information Engineering; Resource and Environmental Science; Art; Music; Biology and Chemistry; Physical Culture and Elementary Education), 3 divisions (Social Science Teaching Ministry, Educative Science Teaching Ministry and Network Education Ministry), and one attatched technical secondary school.

At present, it has more than 50 full-time three-year-program majors, 6 general four-year-program majors. In 2007, 8 new majors got permition by Ministry of Rrginal Education of Guangxi to enroll students. Nowadays there are 10,218 students, including 6,309 full-time enrolled students(4,077 professional college students, 767 general four-year students, 211 students of general network education and 1,268 students of technical secondary education) and 3,909 students of correspondence couse and distance learning.

The university has a faculty of 563 working people, including 315 teachers, 2 foreign teachers and 25 professors(engaged or part-time) and 109 retired people. Among the teachers, there are 15 professors and 96 associate professors that is 32.84% of the total number of teachers; 83 postgraduates, including 4 Doctors and 27 Masters. The number teachers who has high education records is approximate 25.51% of the total numbers. There are still 4 teachers taking Doctor courses and 42 taking Masters couses.

The total area of building is 150,700 m2, including 75,400 m2 of teaching buildings, labs and administrative buildings. The sports ground is 41,916m2 . 38 bases of experiment and training are set up in the three coastal cities. The total value of teaching instruments is 21.3 million. There are 14 teaching labs and technical training labs, 550 computers and  5 language labs. The labs of physics teaching, computer and language have passed the assessment made by the Ministry of Reginal Education in 2002. The library has 0.6123 million volumes consisting of 0.4673 million of paper volumes and 0.145 million electronic volumes; 900 kinds of jounals in Chinese or foreign languages; 2 electronic reading rooms which have the system of automatic research and have realized the computer networking management.

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