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 3773考试网 - 英语等级考试 - 中高级口译 - 正文


来源:新东方 2009-9-14 11:13:23


    新东方口译研究中心 听力课题组 Stella

    Passage Translation

    1. I think examinations are much better than homework. I prefer having exams at the end of a school year to doing homework every week. For me, the problem with homework is that the pressure is on you all the time, and everything you do counts towards your final result. With examinations you can work really hard only in the final stages. I also like to get up early and go through my notes on the day of the exam. That way, everything is fresh in my mind.

    2. Listening is one of the things we do most. Yet listening isn't easy. First we are surrounded by noise,people talking or shouting, the sound of traffic, or the roar of airplanes overhead, which makes any listening job a challenge. Second, we often don't seem to remember even when we do listen. By the time the speaker has finished a 10-minutes' speech, the average person has already forgotten half of what was said. Within 48 hours, another 50% has been forgotten. In other words, we quickly forget nearly all of what we hear.

    第一篇段落听译中,每句话都不是很难,考生关键要记下关键字,比如第一句可以记成“exam > hmw”(将homework去元音缩写成hmw,这是新东方课堂上讲过的缩写原则第一条),第二行对应第一行的笔记位置,分别在“exam”和“hmw”下记下第二句的关键字“end”和“every wk”(将week用取头尾的方式缩写成wk,这是新东方课堂上讲过的缩写原则第二条)。往下继续牢记课堂上讲的“一句一行”的原则,记录每句的关键字。


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